

HTA 设计事务所将国际领先的经验与本地的团队相结合,集结了全球尖端事务所核心力量组成的专业团队,争取将个人潜能升华为团体创作结晶。业务从城市规划设计、建筑设计、景观设计为核心,致力于国际设计革新。 HTA的建筑是一种本质的、想赋形 的建筑,本着团队合作的理念与工作哲学,自创立以来便将交换、传承、学科交叉和思 想碰撞融合贯彻。

同时, HTA着重强调社会参与,为二十一世纪城市化进程的问题和挑战提供创新且具 体的解决办法。HTA 团队参与了国内外诸多地标性建筑及文化地标。 HTA 擅长将可 持续发展的技术应用于城市规划、建筑设计和景观设计, 其拥有的高水平专业人员和高 效的组织网络能够胜任大型复杂项目,在设计过程中重视与客户进行有建设性的信息交 流在此基础上为客户提供不仅实用、而且现代的、有表现力的、独具特色的设计方案。

HTA Design Firm combines international leading experience with local team, gathers the professional team composed of the core strength of global cutting-edge firms, and strives to sublimate individual potential into collective creation crystallization. Business from urban planning and design, architectural design, landscape design as the core, committed to international design innovation. HTA architecture is a kind of essential architecture that wants to be shaped. In line with the concept of teamwork and the philosophy of work, HTA has been implementing the integration of exchange, inheritance, interdisciplinary and ideological collision since its establishment.

At the same time, HTA emphasizes social participation to provide innovative and concrete solutions to the problems and challenges of urbanization in the 21st century. HTA team has participated in many landmark buildings and cultural landmarks at home and abroad. HTA specializes in applying sustainable technologies to urban planning, architectural design and landscape design. Its high-level professionals and efficient organizational network are capable of handling large and complex projects. In the design process, we attach importance to constructive information exchange with customers. On this basis, we provide customers with not only practical, but also modern, expressive and unique design programs.



  • 联系电话:0513-85102028
  • 企业邮箱:welcome@js-hta.com